Question 1: Find: \s*,\s* Replace: (nothing) This deleted all the commas Find: \s{3,} Replace: , (Comma space) Question 2: Find: \s*,\s* Replace: (nothing) Took out all commas Find: \w[.] Replace: (nothing) Deleted all the middle initials and periods Find: \s{1} Replace: (space) Took out multiple spaces Find: (\w+@\w+.\w+) Replace: (\1) For parentheses Find:\s{2} Replace: (space) Got rid of all the extra spaces

Question 3: Find: ,\s(\w+\s\w+,\s) Replace: (nothing) Got rid of species name

Question 4: Find: (,\s)(\w)\w+ Replace: \1\2_\3 Space after that w+

Question 5: Find: (\w+)(,\s)(\w)\w+\s(\w{3})\w+ Replace: \1\2\3_\4.

Question 6: grep '^>' rna.fna > Shrimp headers Once I navigated to my folder on my desktop I used grep to pull data from my rna.fna file and transferred just the headers to a new file titled shrimp_headers.txt.

Question 7: sed 's/>/ \n>/g' rna.fna | sed -n '/rRNA/,/^ /p' > rRNA I used this command to pull only the rRNA data from my rna.fna file into a new file titled rRNA.txt